What We Do

Our mission is to guide and help navigate our clients through the unique African market. Kushe connects clients to the untapped and growing investment opportunities across Africa.

Our goal is to change the way people do business across Africa. We want to help our clients – be they companies, individuals or investors – to grow, expand and access the best that Africa has to offer.


Why invest in Africa

Major companies and countries around the world are flocking to Africa for a reason – to take advantage of the untapped investment opportunities the continent has to offer. With a population of over one billion people and endowed with the world’s richest natural resources, Africa is undoubtedly a continent brimming with boundless prospect and potential


Our highly qualified and experienced consultants will guide you on African investments in:

• Tourism
• Import/Export of merchandise goods
• Marine
• Civil Aviation
• Agriculture/Agribusiness
• Pharmaceutical
• Natural Resources/mining
• Energy/renewable
• Waste management
• Finance and insurance
• Infrastructure
• Shipping and Logistics
• Large and small scale manufacturing

• Guidance on government regulations
• Guidance on how to invest and review companies in person
• Tier 1 Africa investment opportunities


Our Team

The founder, Mr Othman Jalloh, is a passionate explorer of the wonders of the world. A specialist in African trade, investments and economics, Othman has extensive experience working with various governments in Africa. Led by a team of local specialists in tourism, mining, agriculture, petroleum and general merchandise, Kushe is equipped with the knowledge and the networks to help connect you to the private and public sector opportunities which Africa has to offer.

 circle, linkedin, logo, media, network, share, social icon See: Othman Jalloh, Managing Director.


AFRICA Statistics

  • 60% arable land.
  • 90% raw material reserve.
  • 40% gold reserve.
  • 33% diamond reserve.
  • Rich in manganese, iron and wood.
  • Africa is a source for over 30,000 medicinal ingredients.
  • Africa vs the World: 3 x the land mass of China, 10 x that of Europe, 4 x that of the United States of America.
  • Landmass Size: is thirty and a half million km2 (30,415,875 km2).
  • Population: 1.3 billion inhabitants (China has 1.4 billion inhabitants over 9.6 million km2.
  • Cultural Diversity: dance, music, architecture, sculpture.

Number of households will approach 222 million.
Average life expectancy will exceed 60 years.
Total GDP will approach US$2 trillion.
Median age will remain under 20 years.
Mobile telephone subscriptions will surpass 750 million.
Per capita consumer spending will top US $1,000.
Internet users will go beyond 200 million.

AFRICA REPRESENTS THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY with the ability to feed 9 billion people alone by 2050.

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